Community Radio Surabhi
(Lead Community Radio Station)
(promoted by IIEC & approved by M I & B, Govt. of India)
Frequency : 90.4 F.M
Date of Launch : 1st May 2015
Registration Number : 1131500814, 04/02/2015
Licence Number : FMCR-177/1+1
Service Tax Number : AACTR5357BSD002
PAN Number : AACTR5357B
Nodal Department : Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Govt. of India, New Delhi
Address & Location of CRS : C/o-IIEC, Plot No.-1602/1611, Daspalla,
P.O.-Subalaya, Dist-Nayagarh, Pin-752091, Odisha, India
E-mail : radiosurabhi8@gmail.com
Geo Co-ordinates : Longitude – 840 29’ to 850 27’E
Latitude – 190 54’ to 200 32’ North
Present Financial Support : UNICEF / CRA, New Delhi, UNICEF, Odisha
CEMCA, New Delhi
I & PR Department, Govt of Odisha
Approved by : The Ministry of Information & Broadcasting , Govt. of India
Operational Area : 15-20 k.m radius
Duration of Broadcast: 10 hrs. (7 a.m to 12 p.m and 5 p.m to 10 p.m)
Blocks Covered - Daspalla, Gania & Nuagaon, District: Nayagarh, State: Odisha
Approx. Coverage of Population: 3,00,880 (Three Lakhs Eight Hundred Eighty)
No. of Villages Covered : 200
Name of the Chief Functionary: Dr. Shisir Kumar Das, Chief Executive
Contact No- +91 9437051145
The Community Radio sector has swiftly and indelibly carved out a niche for itself on the Indian Mediascape for more reasons than one. Community radio is driven by commoners, has local flavor and displays indigenous upbringing. For masses, Community Radio is “us” as against the big media, which is “them”. Community Radio is about a common man’s aspirations and grievances, and local authorities responses and misses. Going beyond the favorite taglines like “giving voice to the voiceless and of the people, by the people, for the people”, Community Radio Stations are today set to write the agenda of participatory local governance in their neighborhoods, which is an important aspect
of good governance.
Radio Surabhi, a Community Radio Station in Odisha (India) came in to being with a difference in 2015. Indian Institute of Education & Care (IIEC) facilitated emergence of this CR with an aim to build a strong sense of identity and unity among community members who collectively raise concerns and take action to find solutions to their problems through this locally accessible media platform. This CR is a product of an evolutionary process started around 27 years ago with its varied development interventions, it was felt necessary for the local communities to have a platform where they can raise voice against injustice, share culture and tradition and showcase local talent.
Thematic Focus
Inclusive education
Gender, Agriculture & Allied sectors
Livelihood & Skill Development
Health & Disability
Girl Child Protection & Development
Science & Technology,
Art & Culture
Youth Development.
Signature Programmes
Siksha Diksha (Education), Chasa Basa (Agril. & allied), Gyana Bigyan (Knowledge & Science), Jibika (Livelihood), Mo Gaon-Mo Jibana (My village My life), Kala O Kalpana (Art & Performing Arts ), Kids World, Women's World, SUNA JHIA (Golden Girl) and Youth time.
Key Partners
ATMA, Odisha; Ministry of Agriculture & Co-operation, Govt. of India; Department of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Odisha; District & Block Administration; National Rural Livelihood Mission; Panchayati Raj Department; Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK); OUAT, Odisha; Department of School & Mass
Education and Civil Society Organizations.
Odia (Major), Hindi & English (Occasional)